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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Anti-kripkean intuitions: conceptualism versus essentialismSepetyi, D. P.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2023Are scientific revolutions predetermined? Critical appraisal of wojciech sady’s struktura rewolucji relatywistycznej i kwantowej w fizyce (The structure of the relativistic and quantum revolution in physics)Sepetyi, D. P.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2020Being Sceptical about Kripkean A Posteriori Necessities and Natural KindsSepetyi, D.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2017Can the Chinese Robot Think?Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович; Sepetyi, D.
2023Does matter have non-dispositional intrinsic qualities? Sydney Shoemaker against quidditismSepetyi, D.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2019Forty years after: reconsidering the problem of Descartes’s Natural Institution theory vs the Coextension theoryСепетий, Дмитро Петрович; Sepetyi, Dmytro
2020Foundations of Bioethics and Biosafety: Educational manual for independent work of students of the 1-st course of II International FacultySepetyi, D.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2014History of philosophySepety, D. P.; Spitsya, N. V.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович; Спиця, Наталя Валеріївна
Дек-2017Interactionism vs epiphenomenalism : unclosing the causal closure of the physicalСепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2020John Foster’s phenomenalistic idealism under scrutinySepetyi, D.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2019John Searle’s Naturalism as a Hybrid (Property-Substance) Version of Naturalistic Psychophysical DualismСепетий, Дмитро Петрович; Sepetyi, Dmytro
2021Karl Popper’s solution to the problem of induction and the non-justificationist conception of rationalitySepetyi, D. P.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2018Making sense of the puzzle of matter: the idealist challenge and the quasi-kantian responseСепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2021Metaphysical foundations of causation: powers or laws of nature?Sepetyi, D.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2022Mind-body interaction, physical causation, and the natures of substances in Descartes’s philosophySepetyi, D. P.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2016Mysteries of Mind and Matter in the Perspective of Colin McGinn’s PhilosophySepetyi, Dmytro; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2020Non-justificationism and the negativist legend about Karl Popper’s philosophySepetyi, Dmytro; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2016Philosophy of Mind? — Mind the Gap!Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
Сен-2018Quantum mechanics and consciousness: no evidence for idealismСепетий, Дмитро Петрович
2021Robert Kirk’s Attempted Intellectual Filicide: Are Phenomenal Zombies Hurt?Sepetyi, D.; Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
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