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Название: | Change in the expression of receptors to wheat germ lectin (WGA) on epithelioreticulocytes in the thymus of rats under normal conditions and after prenatal dexamethasone administration |
Авторы: | Aravitskiy, E. O. Аравіцький, Євген Олегович |
Дата публикации: | 2025 |
Библиографическое описание: | Aravitskiy E. O. Change in the expression of receptors to wheat germ lectin (WGA) on epithelioreticulocytes in the thymus of rats under normal conditions and after prenatal dexamethasone administration / E. O. Aravitskiy // Future of science: innovations and perspectives : Proceedings of III International Scientific and Practical Conference Stockholm, Sweden, 26-28 January 2025. - Stockholm : SSPG Publish, 2025. - P. 16-18. |
Аннотация: | Aim: To study the dynamics of wheat germ lectin (WGA) receptor expression on rat thymic epithelial cells in normal conditions and after prenatal administration of dexamethasone. |
URI: | |
Располагается в коллекциях: | Наукові праці. (Анестезіологія та інтенсив. терапія)
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