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Название: Evaluation of the toxicity and hepatoprotective properties of new s-substituted pteridins
Авторы: Groma, N.
Berest, G. H.
Antypenko, O. M.
Voskoboinik, O.
Kopiika, V.
Kovalenko, S.
Shvets, V. M.
Берест, Галина Григорівна
Антипенко, Олексій Миколайович
Швець, Володимир Миколайович
Ключевые слова: toxic liver damage
S-substituted pteridines
acute toxicity
hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties
Дата публикации: 2023
Библиографическое описание: Evaluation of the toxicity and hepatoprotective properties of new s-substituted pteridins / N. Groma, G. Berest, O. Antypenko, O. Voskoboinik, V. Kopiika, S. Kovalenko, V. Shvets // Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences. - 2023. - Vol. 36, N 1. - https://doi.org/10.2478/cipms-2023-0006.
Аннотация: Liver damage is a common problem around the world, and pharmacocorrection of such disease is carried out by administration of various drugs. Natural and synthetic thiocontaining compounds are important in this respect. Most of these, however, have side effects and do not always meet the criteria of evidence-based medicine. Therefore, the search for new drugs with hepatoprotective properties, characterized by high efficiency and low toxicity, is an urgent problem of current pharmacology and biochemistry. The purpose of this study was to assess the acute toxicity of new potentially bioactive S-substituted pteridinones, to select the least toxic substance, to improve the pharmaco-technological characteristics, and to study the hepatoprotective properties in an experimental model of tetrachloromethane hepatitis in rats. Herein, comparison of the hepatoprotective properties of compound 4.1 and the reference drug "Thiotriazoline" is based on biochemical studies. The research results showed that sub-stance 4.1 had a positive effect on biochemical processes by increasing the compensatory mechanisms of antioxidant systems, while reducing the infiltrative, destructive and inflammatory process in the liver, evoking decreases in the cytolytic process, restoring the structure of the components of the membrane of hepatocytes, stabilizing and enhancing the functional activity of the liver, restoring the liver’s protein-synthesizing function and increasing the ability to restore metabolic disorders in the liver. As a result of the biochemical study of the hepatoprotective effect of compound 4.1, it was found that the studied substance is a non-toxic compound with antioxidant properties.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22226
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Фармацевтична хімія)
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Наукові праці. (Клінічна фармація ННІПО)

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