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Название: Тhio-containing pteridines: Synthesis, modification, and biological activity
Авторы: Kazunin, M. S.
Groma, N. V.
Nosulenko, I. S.
Kinichenko, A. O.
Antypenko, O. M.
Shvets, V. M.
Voskoboinik, O. Y.
Kovalenko, S. I.
Казунін, Максим Станіславович
Носуленко, Інна Степанівна
Кініченко, Анна Олександрівна
Антипенко, Олексій Миколайович
Швець, Володимир Миколайович
Воскобойнік, Олексій Юрійович
Коваленко, Сергій Іванович
Ключевые слова: DHFR inhibitors
free‐radical scavenging activity
thio‐containing pteridines
Дата публикации: 2022
Библиографическое описание: Тhio-containing pteridines: Synthesis, modification, and biological activity / M. S. Kazunin, N. V. Groma, I. S. Nosulenko, A. O. Kinichenko, O. M. Antypenko, V. M. Shvets, O. Y. Voskoboinik, S. I. Kovalenko // Archiv Der Pharmazie. - 2022. - Vol. 355, Iss. 10. - Art. e2200252. - https://doi.org/10.1002/ardp.202200252.
Аннотация: The present article is devoted to searching for biologically active agents among novel thio‐containing pteridines. Synthetic protocols based on the condensation of 5,6‐ diamino‐2‐thioxo‐2,3‐dihydropyrimidin‐4(1H)‐ones with dicarbonyl compounds were elaborated and used for the synthesis of target products. The directions for further modification of the obtained thio‐containing pteridines were substantiated and realized. The spectral properties of the obtained compounds were studied and described. The results of the in silico study revealed that the predicted affinity of the obtained compounds to the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) active site is comparable with the affinity of methotrexate, despite the differences in the nature of the ligand–enzyme interactions. The in vitro study of DHFR‐inhibiting activity revealed that the most active compounds 3.9 and 4.2 have lg IC50 values of −5.889 and −5.233, respectively, significantly inferior to methotrexate (lg IC50 = −7.605). Additionally, the synthesized compounds were studied for their antiradical activity as a possible mechanism of pharmacological effects. Among the obtained pteridines, compounds 5.1 (lg EC50 = −4.82) and 5.3 (lg EC50= −4.92) have antiradical activity higher than the reference compound ascorbic acid (lg EC50= −4.81). The conducted structure–activity relationship analysis provided valuable data for the further search for biologically active agents among thio‐containing pteridines and related compounds.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22228
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